February 13 2020 (Thursday) UK, Manchester @ Yes

Damo Suzuki with Andrew Cheetham (Drums), Jez Kerr (Bass), Ed Stevens (Guitar) and Kyoko Swan (Synths)

Last time I was in Manchester, I wanted to go to eat Ramen, a Japanese noodle soup. So, finally I could introduce Alan most popular Japanese fast food, also joined by Adam, an old friend lives in countryside. Last time I saw Adam was in Buxton where I spend two days between two shows.
I’m not usually a Ramen fan, I prefer more Soba, another Japanese noodle, made out of back weed, healthier and gluten free. Soup of Ramen is made long cooking pork born. As you know pig is everything-eater, so it won’t be healthy. Mainly I deny eating pork. Sometime, I’m double moral person honestly said. Still I like some kind of sausages, I cannot avoid sausages when you’re living in Germany. German bread, sausages and beer are very best in the world. My best choice of sausages by the way is
1) Krakow
….try them when you have chance.
I’ve got stomach-ache after a while I ate Ramen, I din’t tell my friends I’ve got stomach problem as I recommended them to order this, I’ve kind of responsibility.
Stomach problem kept few hours, I wasn’t well. They seems not having problem like me, so pardon me I didn’t tell them about it.

I don’t have cell phone in this 21 century, majority of people automatically have. I check my mails through my ipad that I won’t have it near, it hide at deep in my rucksack.
I checked my mail box when I came back to the hotel directly to Piccadilly. The lady promoter is mailing me „I need you for sound check, where are you?“
Seems to be sound check time is changed, so we went hurry to the veune that is actually not so far by feet, with car took more find parking place, one way street and all that thing, also Alan had to drive as I’ve merchandising. At this time around I still had problem with my stomach. It may possible my stomach is very sensitive than before due to my surgeries. As I might told you every surgeries my taste change in my case. Before I’d never take a cup of coffee for 40 years now double espresso is must on the road. I was more wine teaser, but now occasionally beer drinker and less wine. By the way Whisky is all time my best friend. Once in while I introduced Whisky taste to young boy Adam, now he is Whisky lover. I’m a bad guy who pushed him whiskey at his young age.
Before I was a pescetarian (80% Vegetable 20% Fish), now I enjoy all kinds of meat too. (Lamm and duck as best) Anyway I try to keep well-balanced food.
For example, Even I never had Liver, now I take it as vitamin B12 included. But, it’s on form of Foie Gras or Swedish liver pate.
For me 1st Taste (Quality of material) 2 Healthy is order of things.

Our sound check is over when I arrive the venue.

At geen room, took cvomversation with young talentd musicians.
Night at new venue and lots of things to tell.

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