Damo Suzuki with Grundwasser: Torsten Kramer (Drums), Sito Steinforth (Bass) and Dominik von Senger (Guitar)
Stayed in NYC for one extra day, went to shopping and cooked food. Oyster I bought in Supermarket was not good one…so, I had to throw it out. 2nd performance with Grundwasser this year.
I came back from US yesterday. Cologne to Bonn is very near and the band I perform is with my old friend Dominik…. His great guitarist…but, pity he lives in country..he should get much chance to perform. Sito the bassist is almost my generation and very relaxed guy. Torsten is much younger and still searching for something. All three lives in same are.
Nice place,but I’m not good enough to live in country side. I quit from driving since twenty years…Without car you are lost. Driving has been stressed me, was not interesting about car (many men loves car) also I was bad driver with many light accident….. My friend Juergen showed up from Frankfurt.