Damo Suzuki with Members of Šumski, Franz Kafka Ensemble and Šumovi Protiv Valova
Outside of the venue, TV-team was shooting something when we arrived the venue. If you know the venue, it’s always felt like back home and feel already comfortable. After sound check photo session with Anto Magzan (I used his photo for this newsletter.)
Audience was young (anyway now a days everybody is young from my sight), they’re 18 to mid– twenty, and this was also this Balkan tour along, young audience. Sound carriers are bit older.
This Balkan tour, I enjoyed a lot, spiritually very successful. Travelling is learning process, indeed…I caught many new thing, met nice creative, hungry generation, future and hopeful generation of all these countries. That’s why I like my job (I don’t say what I’m doing is a job, but I use this word), generally I live in such moment bring my feeling shaky and many emotional moment.
I really love to travel, I’m really thankful that I’ve such opportunity to live this way……..free energy!