Damo Suzuki with Valentin Altenberger (Oud, Bass, Gitarre), Christian Burchard (Xylophon), CPU (Noise-Ambient-Soundscapes), Didi Foth (Sax), Johannes Frisch (Double Bass), Kosmik Klaus (Visuals) and Michael Ströder (Drums, Percussion)
I didn’t see Christian since beginning of 70’s. He is Embryo Drummer and last time I saw him was at University festival somewhere in Germany..I cannot remember which one was it? Darmstadt?.
Also joined by two concert organizers. Valentin was also member of Embryo, but later. He is a Bass player makes bass guitar by own and he sale them. I arrived here and was totally tired. This is my last concert of the year 2008, maybe all tiredness come together. Kosmik Klaus and Andreas (KOSMIK KLAUS and his Solar Sea Slide Show) were here again to show their talent, but unfortunately they cannot make their size of light show as usual for some technical reasons..and I’m sure they were disappointed.
Anything was strange this night. Gosh, it wasn’t that much worked out. Karlsruhe is world famous for ZKM (Centre for Art and Media) and seat of two of highest courts in Germany. A very important city for German law. This part of Germany (closer to French border) is one of most interesting place for gourmet. My thought is so, where good wine exists, foods are also good.